Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The Zeitgeist Movement is the activist arm of The Venus Project. You can think of The Zeitgeist Movement as exposing the problems of society, and The Venus Project as a proposed solution, fueld by Jacque Fresco- inventor, writer, industrial designer, and social engineer.

Please watch the movie Zeitgeist either below or at the original site here. You don't need to take this or anything else anyone tells you as the absolute truth, but watch it, listen, and if motivated, research its claims. Never stop asking questions.

When a child asks "Why do we need money?", he/she is usually told "That's just the way it works.", which goes completely against the innocent childs natural instincts, which is why they questioned it in the first place. Kids can spot nonsense and hipocracy a million miles away, and it's their willingness to accept this hipocracy- to conform- that is what determines how successful these kids will be in the absolutely unnatural adult world.
Laziness, drug use, violent crimes, and apathy are all byproducts of the struggle to cope with the facade that stands between people and the natural world. People should not be motivated by profit, they should be motivated by their passions, but some would say that, without the need for income, you would have a world of people sitting around, staring at the wall-but I don't believe this is true. People will get up and get busy out of necessity and passion- the building blocks of innovation.
I'm not saying that jobs aren't necessary, I'm saying there's no need to be paid for them, really no need for money at all, and even a child knows this.
Artists should create to inspire and spread their imagination to others, musicians should play to be heard, doctors should heal because they have a curiosity for the way the body works and have a passion for helping, engineers should create because they are driven to shape the world around them for the better, and politicians, police, anyone in the armed forces, and lawyers all need to develope a REAL skill in life. If peace were to spread like the plague, what would these people do?

"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need....You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet.You're not your fucking khakis...You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."-Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club.

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